Why? Age-inclusivity is the new currency.
The demographics are shifting rapidly.
Around the globe, the population is aging, with the number of adults over 50 beginning to eclipse younger generations. Simultaneously, older adults command outsized financial power, especially in the age of great wealth transformation.
Middle-aged and adult adults play an increasingly crucial role in society. Their contribution cannot be ignored:
More longevity. Middle-aged and older adults' workforce contributions are critical for economies to sustain themselves, as traditional retirement is becoming a relic of the past.
More financial power. Winning these consumers is vital for companies who seek to build longer-term growth paths as their financial power expands.
More engagement. Engaging these adults in civic activity is crucial for maintaining thriving communities and for preserving cultural value and knowledge.
Past approaches impede business.
None of this is new news, but why do we still favor the young?
Recruiter bias selects for younger candidates, despite the proven track record of older adults in the workplace.
A youth-focused blindspot limits only 15% of marketing and advertising targeted toward older people, despite their lion’s share of wealth.
Social erasure excludes older adults as they age, hiding their positive contribution to communities.
The status quo diminishes the contribution of older adults, and by extension, impedes the relevance of brands to their experiences. Intransit is committed to breaking cycle of young vs. old. We replace the old rhetoric of age a new language that emphasizes life-stage, not numeric age.
A simply way to win: from age to stage.
Engaging middle and older adults requires a seismic shift in approach.
At Intransit, we believe older adults are leading the way for improved longevity and quality of life.
Our research continues to show that 50+ adults actively reject outdated stereotypes, openly challenge the status quo, and refuse to follow traditional rules. Second, third, and fourth acts are commonplace now. Older adults are equally likely to take gap years similar to their younger cohorts. Life-stage is replacing age as a defining characteristic.
The simple win is to shift from age to stage. Companies must elevate relevancy and grow markets by acknowledging the different life stages that middle and older adults cross through well into their later years. Brands that rise to this occasion will play a deeper and more connected role in consumers' lives, while also naturally becoming age-inclusive.
Intransit is here to help you navigate the change.
Understanding age-forward innovation is not just necessary—it’s imperative.
It's also a key opportunity for growth, and Intransit is here to help.
We can guide with a broad brush, helping redefine your corporate culture or overall market philosophy. Or, together, we can conceive specific plans, from reinventing an existing product line or retooling a brand image.
Intransit leads the way for age-inclusive change. We are experts in insights, customer, and brand strategy. We encourage brands to rethink how they speak to those who have lived longer.